Python has become the All-rounder Language in 2020
This is the reason WHY CBSE has introduced Python in class IX as well.
Register for the Webinar – Shares 3 secrets with you: 1. How Logic Development can improve your grades. 2. Career Options 3. Tips for Beginners
Limited Seats - Time is running

CBSE Revised to Reduce The Syllabus Of CS for Class XI and XII
COMPUTER SCIENCE - 083 CBSE has revised to reduced the syllabus for Computer Science students for class XI and XII, keeping in mind the situation being created due to covid19. CLASS XI - Topics Reduced Unit I: Computer Systems and Organisation Encoding Schemes : UTF8,...

10 Steps To Successful Online Classes In 2020
Online Classes - Corona changed all, people got locked in their houses and social distancing became the only solution. Because of all this all the colleges and schools closed down, but didn't realized at the beginning that it might go that far. Soon all colleges and...

Computer Science Python-String related Problems Part 1
Computer Science | Informatics Practices Python – Solving problems related to strings. Different methods discussed in the tutorial.

Handling Dates in Python
Python does not provides any special data type for handling dates. Learn about how Python helps you format and validate dates using a Python module – datetime.

Python – Dealing with Pattern Questions part 1
Based on CBSE Computer Science and Informatics Practices Syllabus – Solving Pattern questions using Python – Source Code with explanation.

CBSE CS/IP Networking, Communications Technologies and Open Source Concepts – 1
Collection of some important abbreviations related to Networking, and Communication chapter CBSE class XII – you can learn from here

Python variables – What is Dynamic variable binding in python?
In python variables are not declared – as declared in many languages like C, C++, Java etc. Python associates variable type on the basis of value stored in it. How it does that? Find out

Python “None” keyword
Unlike 'pass', 'none' is a keyword in python and not a statement. You must have observed specially CS and IP students - in programming we use null to represent absence of a value. What exactly does keyword 'None' do in python? In python 'None' keyword is implemented...

Python “pass” statement
Python provides ‘pass’ keyword or statement that can be used wisely as described in this article. ‘pass’ is useful though might not impose a desperate use of it.

How to install Python?
How to install Python? It's quite easy. Python is an general purpose high-level language which is both interpreted as well as object-oriented. It uses dynamic semantics. The basic idea of dynamic semantics is that the meanings of sentences are not propositions but...