Internet Basics, Internet Services and Mobile Technologies (15 marks)
Notes related to Computer Applications Class X (10th Subject code 165) related to unit 1 (Internet Basics, Internet Services and Mobile technologies) in the form of questions and Answers.
It covers all the aspects related to Internet basics and Internet services and mobile technologies but because it covers in the form of questions and answers – Will help you learning and understanding easily in a crisp way.
Internet Basics / Internet Services and Mobile Technologies
1. What is Internet?
- Internet is a kind of network which is an interconnection of a large number of smaller interconnected networks.
- These networks may connect thousands of computers together. This enables them to share information and other resources such as databases, AI(Artificial Intelligence) features with others.
- Anyone connected with Internet can communicate with anyone else on the Internet.
2. What is World Wide Web (WWW)?
- WWW is a set of programs, standards and protocols – that helps or enables you to:
- Create the multimedia and hypertext files.
- Display and link these multimedia and hypertext files on the internet.
3. What is the impact of World Wide Web (WWW) on Internet?
- Before WWW was introduced, Internet was mainly used for obtaining textual information.
- But after WWW came into existence, the Internet popularity increased enormously because of graphics and other multimedia included in WWW.
4. When was World Wide Web (WWW) introduced?
- WORLD WIDE WEB (WWW) was introduced between 1989-1991 by Tim Berners-Lee.
- It was in 1990 when HTML and the Browser were invented that further led to the invention of WWW.
5. What is the difference between Internet and World Wide Web (WWW)?
Internet | World Wide Web |
1. Internet is the collection of Computers and networking devices connected together | 1. World wide Web is the collection of html documents and various multimedia files linked or connected together with the help of hyperlinks, |
2. Internet is a container | 2. While World wide Web is one of the items available in Internet. |
3. Internet is primarily hardware based (created using hardware devices like computers and other devices like modems and routers etc.) | 3. World Wide Web as compared to Internet is Software oriented (created using HTML, hyperlinks and multimedia etc.). |
6. What do you mean by Web Server?
A Web Server is a server that stores:
- Web documents (html and multimedia files).
- Responds to the requests made by web browsers.
- A Web Server is also called WWW Server.
- Example: Apache, IIS (Internet Information Services), etc.
7. What is the difference between Server and Web Server?
Server | Web Server |
1.Server is a general term used for a Computer. | 1. Web Server is a piece of Software |
2. A server is a computer that has a “server software” loaded on it. Its main job is to serve the requests of clients. | 2.Web Server is a specific type of server which is protocol driven server that hosts web documents. |
8. What do you mean by Web Client?
A Web Client is a software program existing on client side. Using Web Client you can make requests and use all the services provided by the web server. Example – a web browser.
9. What is a Web site?
A website is a collection of related web pages which are hosted on a web-server. These Web Pages are created using HTML and other technologies and are linked together.
Website may also contains some other related documents and files such as images, videos or other digital assets.
10. What are the different components of a Web site?
There are several Components of a website which are listed below:
- Navigation (Using menus created with the help of hyperlinks)
- Web Hosting
- Call-To-Actions
- Headings
- Content
- Design using CSS etc.
- Visuals (using graphics, logos, audio and video etc.)
11. What do you mean by address or url?
It is the web address of the website, also known as URL of the site. URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator.
12. What do you mean by design of a Website?
Website design is the overall look and feel of the website. Different elements that constitute a website are:
- Navigation Menus,
- Graphics,
- Links
- Layouts, etc.
13. What do you mean by Webhost or Webhosting?
- Hosting means installing a website physically on a web Server.
- These Group of related and linked webpages acts as a website only when it is hosted on a webserver.
14. What Home Page?
When you go to a particular website, the first page that appears is call a Home Page.
15. What do you mean by content of a website?
All the related webpages contained and related to a particular website together make up the content of the website.
16. What do you mean by Navigation structure of a website?
- It is a Menu System or you can simply call it menus that arrange the entire content of a website in some order and make it available in the form of menu links.
- This Navigation structure or menus are usually on the top (called header) and at the bottom (called footer) of the website.
- This Navigation structure is available on each webpage of a website.
17. What is the difference between Website and Web Portal?
Website | Web Portal |
1.A website is a collection of related web pages | 1. A web portal is also a type of website but it differs in content and services from a typical website |
2. Website renders the same content for all people. | 2.Portal renders different content for a specific user. |
18. What is a Web Page?
A webpage is a digital document created using HTML and is linked to the WWW and viewable by anyone connected to the Internet using a
web browser.
19. What are the components of a Web Page on the basis of its contents?
A Webpage has following components (on the basis of its contents):
- Hypertext
- Hypertext refers to the combination of text, graphic images, audio and video tracks, and hyperlinks.
- Hyperlinks
- Hyperlinks refers to a dynamic link upon clicking at which a new page or program opens up.
20. What are the components of a Web Page on the basis of its Structure?
Different components of a webpage (On the basis of its structure) are:
- Page Title
- Header
- Body of the web page
- Navigational links
- Footer
21. What are Web Browsers?
A web browser is a software program. With the help of Web browser you can visit different web sites.
- With the help of Web Browser you can access available resources on www.
- Some of the popular web browsers are:
- Google Chrome,
- Mosaic,
- Netscape,
- Internet Explorer,
- Safari,
- Opera,
- Mozilla Firefox, etc.
- Types of Browsers:
- Supports: Text, images, audio, video, etc. are retrievable through this type of browser.
- This type of browser provides access to the web in text mode only.
22. What are Blogs?
BLOG – A blog is a kind of website.
Important information about blog, in the form of points to remember:
- Weblog – The term ‘Weblog’ is another name for ‘blog’. You can compare it to a personal diary or journal on the web.
- Blogger – A person who writes and maintains a blog is called Blogger.
- Blogging – It is the skill and art of writing a blog.
23. What are different types of Blogs?
Different types of Blogs are:
- You will find maximum numbers of blogs on Internet that belong to this category.
- Blogger post stories about their interest such as sports, dancing, coding, their Life etc.
- This is another type of blog that contains factual stories about News and latest events.
- Such blog are managed by many professional journalists.
- Visitors can add their own opinions as well.
- Many companies run blogs to keep their customers and clients well informed about their products, Services and policies.
- These blog post are different as they are very short composed of very few words.
- For example Twitter – 140 characters is the limit for a post (tweet) on twitter.
24. What are News Groups?
A News Group or Forum is like a community bulletin board.
- We can read messages.
- We can post a message.
- Reply to a message.
- Threads -Groups of related messages are known as Threads.
- We can subscribe to various newsgroups.
25. How to use News Groups?
You can open Google and search for Groups of your choice, eg : HTML/ Web Development etc.
- You can become a member of the selected group – by clicking on the Join button or link.
- You may also have to follow the instructions given.
- Once you became member of that news-group
- Now you will be able to post messages.
- A message can be clicked at its title.
- One can reply a message by clicking at Reply button.
26. What is HTML?
HTML – stands for “Hypertext Markup Language”. It was invented in 1990s by Tim Berners-Lee.
- It is a markup language for hypertext, used for creating web pages.
- Here Hypertext means: ” A special type of digital text that contains links to other text”.
- Here Markup refers to special symbols or instructions that help format, style or structure digital document or webpage.
- Here Markup language means : a set of standards (well designed tags, structure, etc.) to create an appropriate markup scheme for making a webpage presentable.
27. What is Web Address?
WEB ADDRESS is A location or address on a web server. It is also known as URL (Uniform Resource Locator).
- Each website has a unique address.
- URLs look like this:
- type://address/path
- Where type: specifies the type of server/protocol iwhere the file is located.
- Address is the address of server, and
- Path tells the location of file on the server.
- Example:
28. What is E-mail?
E-mail or Electronic Mail is the most widely used communication tool over internet.
- It is used to send messages electronically on a network.
- Email messages are sent and received using mail servers.
29. Explain in detail different components of E-mails?
.Different components of Emails are:
- E-MAIL ADDRESS – E-mail addresses is the address of a mailbox. It looks like: username@hostname.
- It can be paid as well as free account. An e-mail account on an ISP’s server is a paid account and a web-based email account is generally free.
- E-mail address can be seen as made up of two parts which are separated by @ symbol.
- First part is username, which cannot have blanks or spaces.
- Second part is Hostname or domain name which identifies the server or host or network that provides the e-mail services.
- STRUCTURE OF AN EMAIL MESSAGE: Different parts of the structure of an email are:
- From: It is the address of the sender of the e-mail.
- To: It is the address or addresses to which the mail is sent.
- CC: It stands for carbon copy. Here the address/addresses of those to whom we want to send a copy of the e-mail is written. CC recipient’s name is visible to all.
- BCC: It stands for Blind carbon Copy. Addresses written here will also receive a copy of the message. BCC recipient’s name is not visible to other recipients. But they can see TO and CC addresses.
- Subject: A short title for the mail.
- Body: The message itself.
- Attachment: We can attach one or more pictures/documents with the e-mail.
- Date: Date and time on which the message was sent.
- Message-ID: Every message will have a unique ID. It is not visible to us.
30. What do you mean by Internet Protocols?
Internet protocol is a system of rules that defines how something is to be done over Internet.
It is usually an agreed-upon or standardized method for transmitting data and /or establishing communications between different devices.
31. What are the different types of Internet Protocols?
Different Types of Internet Protocols are:
- TCP – Transmission Control Protocol – Its job is to break data into packets and sends them to the destination and reassemble at the destination. It ensures that data is sent and received accurately without any data loss.
- IP – Internet Protocol -Its job is to give address to each packet and also how to route these packets to ensure they reach their destination.
- HTTP – Hypertext Transfer Protocol is a communication protocol that allows systems to communicate on the World Wide Web. It is used to request the contents from the Web Server.
- HTTPS – Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure adds or applies a security layer through encryption to HTTP requests and responses. This ensures secure data transmission.
- FTP – File Transfer Protocol is a client-server based protocol. It allows a client to request a file from a server. FTP is commonly used for file sharing privately but in a text format which is not secured.
- SFTP – Secure File Transfer Protocol is same as FTP except that the files are shared in encrypted format for secured File sharing.
- SMTP – Simple Mail Transfer Protocol – It is a standard for transmitting email over a network. This protocol first send the outgoing email messages to an SMTP server, then forwards the email messages to the recipient’s SMTP server.
- POP3 – Post Office Protocol version 3 – It is a standard protocol used by email clients to retrieve email messages from a mail server.
- It is a simple, text-based protocol that allows a client to connect to a server, retrieve email messages, and mark them as read or unread.
32. What is SSH?
- SSH It is a remote logging protocol, and SSH stands for Secure Shell.
- This protocol logs into remote machine via a shell where all data between the client and server is encrypted to ensure security.
33. What is Telnet?
TELNET which is a short form for Teletype Network – is an Internet utility that lets us log onto remote computer systems.
- The computer which starts the connection is known as the local computer.
- The computer which is being connected to i.e. which accepts the connection known as the remote computer.
- During telnet operation, whatever is being performed on the remote computer will be displayed by the local computer.
- Telnet operates on a client/server principle.
- The local computer or a client uses a telnet client program and the remote computers use a telnet server program.
34. What are the different types web Services?
- Web services are the services or applications available over an Internet web (WWW) through the use of specific related protocols.
- There are so many different types of web services that are available in today’s world:
- Example: chat, email, videoconferencing, social networking, E-Learning, E-Commerce etc.
35. What is Chat or Chatting over Internet?
Online textual conversation is known as chatting. Chatting can occur over the internet using:
- SMS (Short Message Service) text message,
- MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service),
- Social Media Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, etc.
36. Explain How to Chat over Internet?
If you want to chat over Internet, you will be required to log on to a server that provides such chat facilities.
- CHAT ROOM – A Chat room is a part of some online service that provides an online venue where you will fine like-mined people related to specific topics.
- Few of the Commonly used Chat tools are:
- INSTANT MESSANGING (IM) – It is a type of communications service that helps you to create a kind of private chat connection with another individual and will be able to communicate with that person in real time.
- ICQ (“I SEEK YOU”) – It can used as a conferencing tool by individual on the net to chat, e-mail, perform file transfers, play computer games, etc.
- IRC (INTERNET RELAY CHAT) – To chat with someone on IRC, you are required to be connected to an IRC server. Once connected you have access to thousands of rooms called channels on nearly any topic.
- WEB BASED CHAT – It is also like IRC but it is different from it in the sense that you can join through a specific website and don’t need to install any application on your computer.
37. Explain what is Video Conferencing?
Video conferencing – It is a live video-based meeting between two or more people.
- It allows multiple people who might be physically at different far off locations to meet and collaborate face to face.
- People involved can also transmitting audio, video, text and presentations in real time through the internet.
- Useful for people involved in different fields like IT Technologies, Education, Different kind of Businesses, Courts, Medical Sciences, Customer care etc.
38. What are the advantages of Video Conferencing?
- It is very Cost Effective because it Saves travel cost and travel time.
- Allows meeting with people at different locations.
- It is good for brainstorming.
- It is an excellent way of keeping in touch with friends and family, even if they are far away from you, even located in different countries.
39. What are the dis-advantages of Video Conferencing?
You are required to have specific hardware and software installed to make video conferencing possible.
Fast Internet is needed.
If due to some reason hardware or software breaks down, you will not be able to attend the meeting.
You will not be able to see (watch) all the participants in the meeting..
40. What E-Learning?
An Online learning system is possible now a days with the help of electronic resources, that is why it is known as E-learning.
- It can be accessed via most electronic devices including:
- a computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone,
- This makes E-Learning an easy way for students to learn from anywhere.
- It also allows you to learn at your own pace.
41. What E-Banking?
E-banking which is a short form for Electronic Banking is a digital system between a bank or a financial institution and its customers .
- E-Banking enables encrypted transactions over the internet.
- E-banking can handle ONLINE customer’s different types of banking requirements.
- E-Banking means online banking. There is different terms available for E-Banking PC banking, Internet banking, virtual
banking, online banking, home banking, remote electronic banking, phone banking etc.