Introduction - Computer System Overview
Computer Systems and Organization is a topic related to Computers and their Architecture and important topic of the Class 11 Computer Science curriculum.
This unit is designed to provide a foundation in all the important aspects related Computer Systems and Organization.
Computer System – Important to know – in the form of Questions and answers –
1. What is Hardware?
Hardware is the term used for physical components of a Computer system that you touch. For Example Keyboard, mouse, monitor, printer, CPU, etc.
2. What is software?
Software includes all applications, programs that handle or control the working of Computer system. These programs or applications are set of instructions to carry out specific tasks,
Computer System Components / Computer Organization
Computer System is comprised of following 5 components
- Input Unit
- Output Unit
- Central Processing Unit (CPU)
- Primary Memory
- Secondary storage Unit
Computer Organization – in the form of Questions and answers :
3. What are the different components of a Computer System? Explain with Diagram
Computer system is made of different components that work together to solve problems. Different Components of computer are shown in the diagram below:
4. What is an Input Unit?
The main job of the Input Unit of Computer system is :
- To take input from the user. This input can be in the form of data, commands and controlling signals.
- To convert the inputs takes from the user to binary format (i.e. 0s and 1s) so that computer can understand.
- Modern Computer takes input using input devices like – keyboard, mouse, cameras, microphones, scanners and sensors etc..
5. What is Output Unit?
The main job of the Output Unit of the Computer system is to give the output to the user (or you can say communicate back with the user.
To do that it does following tasks:
- Before delivering the output converts output from binary format (i.e. 0s and 1s) to human understandable format.
- Delivers the output using Output devices – like monitor, speakers, printer etc.
6. What is CPU (Central Processing Unit?
It is the most important component of the Computer system which can be compared to a brain. It controls or tells other components of the Computer system – How to work.
CPU is a hardware that performs most of the processing with the help of instructions which are provided by the Operating system (Software). CPU is comprised of two parts:
- ALU ( Arithmetic and Logic Unit), and
- CU ( Control Unit )
7. What is ALU (Arithmetic and Logic Unit)?
Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU) is a part of CPU which performs computations or calculations related to arithmetical Operations (addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division etc.) and performing logic decision (greater than, less than, equal to, not equal to etc.).
8. What is Control Unit?
Control Unit iis a part of CPU and s responsible for controlling the functions of a Computer System. It also monitors and gives proper instructions to all parts of the computer.
9. What is Primary Memory?
Primary memory is a volatile memory which is also known as main memory or RAM (Random Access Memory).
- It can be directly accessed by CPU.
- Volatile means that its contents are lost when the Computer is turned OFF
10. Primary Memory or RAM is of how many types?
Primary Memory or Ram is of two types:
- Dynamic RAM
- Static RAM
11. What is Dynamic Ram (DRAM)?
Dynamic Ram o DRAM is made up of transistors and capacitors. It’s memory access time is 20 to 70 nanoseconds.
12. What is Static Ram?
Static Ram is made up of flip-flops and has faster memory access time approx. 10 nanoseconds.
13. What do you mean by Memory Access time?
The amount of time required to read the data from memory and produce the output or make the data available is called Memory Access Time.
14. What is Secondary Memory?
Secondary Memory is the term used of external Storage which can store data and information for long, even after the Computer is turned Off.
- It provides a permanent storage (till the time you want to keep it).
- It also has a high storage capacity as compared to primary memory.
- It is slower as compared to Primary memory.
15. What do you mean by Units of Memory?
Computer memory is a system that stores data and instructions for a device, either internally or externally.
Like to measure other things we have measuring units – for example we have milligrams, grams, kilograms and further tons etc. Memory also has measuring units – buts, bytes, KiloBytes (KB), MegaBytes (MB), GigaBytes (GB) etc.
(Explained in detail in next question).
16. What is ROM or Read only Memory?
ROM is also known as read-only memory. As the name suggests it is a kind of computer memory that can only be read from, but you cannot write to it.
- It is non-volatile which means It holds data and instructions which are stored at the manufacturing time which is not lost when you switch off the System.
- ROM chip contains instructions that are required by the computer to turn ON.
17. What are the different types of ROM available?
Different types of ROM (Read only memory) are:
- PROM – Programmable Read Only Memory) – Can be programmed or written once using special equipment called ROM burner.
- EPROM – Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory) Can be erased and re-programmed using special techniques
- EEPROM – Electronically Erasable Programmable Ready Only Memory can be erased electronically and re-programmed which is faster.
- Flash EEPROM – It is similar to EEPROM but much faster then EEPROM.
- Mask – ROM – It is a kind of ROM chip which is programmed by the manufacturer and cannnot be programmed by other users.
Introduction – Software
Software is made up of programs where every program is capable of solving certain problem. These Programs are made up of instructions- that tells the device what to do and how to do certain tasks.
Unlike Hardware, Software by nature is intangible. It includes set of programs, rules, and procedures that together can solve a big problem.
With the help of Software users can interact with devices to do almost anything, for example – You can creating graphics, create and edit videos, create other software, play games, buy and sell services and many such tasks.
18. What is Software?
Software is set of programs, instructions and data which can be used to perform certain tasks, operate computers.
You can say its is software that provides all the intelligence to the computer to perform different tasks, efficiently and fast.
19. What are different types of Software?
Software can be of different types, but can be broadly classified into two types, namely::
- System Software, and
- Application Software
20. What is System Software? What are its different types?
It is the most essential type of software, you can call it the backbone of the Computer system as a whole. It acts as an interface between user, Computer hardware and other software. It is essential to run a computer.
Different types of System software are:
- Operating systems (For example: Windows, Linux, Unix, DOS etc.)
- System Utilities (For example: Disk Cleaner, Anti-Virus programs etc.
- Device Drivers (For example device drivers for Printer, Scanners, Plotters and other hardware devices like graphic cards, Bluetooth device etc..)
21. What is Application software?
Application software are designed for specific needs by the end user. These Software need to be installed by the end user. these are Software that you use on a daily basis. Few examples are given below:
- Word Processing software – for Ex. Microsoft Word, Google Docs etc.
- Accounting software – Tally Accounting software, Busy Accounting software etc.
- Games – Mario, Minecraft, PubG etc
22. What is an Operating system?
You can’t run a computer without an Operating system. Few of the popular (OS) Operating System Software are: Windows, MAC OS, Android for mobiles etc.
It act as a manager which manages all your hardware and software resources. It performs following tasks:
- Manager Hardware
- Handles software
- Manages Files
- Manages Input / Output
- Provides Security
- Helps you perform Multitasking (For example. You can work on computer while listening to music or songs)
23. What is Storage Unit?
Computers need to store and access data and instructions to carry out all kind of tasks, Primary storage is fast but it is volatile has a limited storage capacity it is not a storage unit but a memory..
- To store data permanently computer needs secondary storage also known as Storage Unit.
- There are different types of Storage Units are available which can be internal or external in nature having different storage capacities and portability
24. What are the different types of Secondary storage Units?
Different types of Storage units are:
- Hard Disks – Hard disks and be internal as well as external device. It has high storage capacity which can be measured in Gigabytes, and Tera Bytes.
- Compact Disk (CD) – It is portable storage unit with limited or less storage capacity as compared to hard disk.
- DVD – It is another storage unit which has more storage capacity as compared to CDs but less than hard disk.
- Pen-Drives – These a ultra portable flash drives used to transfer data from one device to another easily.
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