Edukers Informatics Practices XII

Offer (Informatics Practices Class XII) Expires on 15th May 2024

Common Core Elements -included in all Programs for IP Class XII

Student First Approach


100% Skill Based

Periodic Tests

Score Well above 90%


Hand holding till Exams

Brainstorming Sessions


  • All the common Core elements
  • Well above 90% target
  • Payment in 6 monthly installments (₹ 3750/month)
  • Access to the Recording of the session missed

One 2 One

1000 to 1500/hour/800 to 1200/hour
  • All the Common Core Elements
  • Well above 90% target for scoring marks
  • Actual fees depends upon the travelling distance
  • Payment 20 hours advance

What Students Say about Edukers - Reviews

Syllabus strictly as per CBSE Class XII IP - Edukers

CBSE Class XI Informatics Practices (IP)

Class XII - Now or Never

The only Chance to UNDO the mistakes you did in 11th.

This course has been designed carefully, keeping in mind future prospects – it will open up new career paths for you.

Revision of Important topics of Class XI

It has been quite evident that some students in class XII had not understood the concepts of class 11. Usually these are the students who have not taken coaching at all in class 11th, and few other’s who had not taken classes from us in 11th. As a result, they face difficulty in class 12th.

Though, no direct questions are asked about 11th class, in 12th exams, still few topics in class do depend upon basics of class 11th. Therefore some essential portions of class 11th along with this course.

Introduction to Python - Detailed View
  • Basics of Python Programming
  • Understanding Conditional Statements
  • Understanding Iterations or Repetitions

Syllabus CBSE Informatics Practices Class XII (2023-24) – Edukers

This course “CBSE Informatics Practices for Class XII” – Will cover in detail : Data Handling Using Pandas I, Data Visualization using Pandas and Matplotlib ||, Database Query using MySQL, Computer Networks, Societal Impacts in great detail.  It is going to be 100% Skill Based. As a result of our teaching methodologies and more than two decades of teaching experience, we assure our students that they will score well above 90% in their final exams.

Duration for CBSE IP Class XII

It is a One year program (More than 120 hours program). That confirms we will provide a support till the year end exam is not over.

IP Unit 1 – Data Handling Using Pandas I

This Unit will cover the following topics:

Data Handling Using Pandas I - Detailed View
  • Introduction to Python Libraries
    • Numpy (removed from Syllabus). Little introduction will be covered
    • Pandas
    • MAtplotlib
  • Data Structures in Pandas
    • Series
    • Different ways of creating Series in Pandas
      • Using:
        • Lists
        • ndarrays
        • Dictionary
        • Another Series
        • arange() function
        • Problem Solving
      • Scalar Values
      • Mathematical Operations
      • Indexing
      • Slicing
      • Other important Functions like head() and tail() etc.
    • DataFrames
    • Different ways of creating DataFrames in Pandas
      • using nested Lists
      • Dictionary
      • List of Dictionary
      • Using Dictionary of Series
      • Different ways of displaying DataFrames
      • Indexing and Slicing
      • Operations on rows and columns
        • Adding, modifying and deleting rows and columns
      • Add
      • Select
      • Delete
      • Rename
      • Indexing
        • Using Labels
        • Boolean Indexing, etc.
      • Importing and exporting data between CSV files and DataFrames.

IP Unit 2 – Data Visualization using Matplotlib and Pandas

Following topics will be covered in this unit:

Introduction to Matplotlib- Detailed View

Handshake to Matplotlib

    • Importing and using matplotlip.pyplot
    • Introduction to Data Visualization
    • Purpose of Plotting
    • Preparing Data for Plotting, using:
      • Lists
      • ndArrays
      • Dictionary
      • Series, etc
    • Plotting different types of graphs:
      • Line Graph
      • Bar Graph
      • Scattar Plots
      • Histograms
      • Pie Graphs, etc
    • Customizing :
      • Axes Labels -xlabel, ylabel
      • Title of the graph
      • Legends
      • Grids
      • Colors
      • Markers, etc.
    • Problem Solving

IP Unit 3 – Database Concepts and Structured Query Language

You will learn following topics in this unit:

Introduction to Databases- Detailed View
  • Revision of Database Concepts an topics covered in class XI
  • Different Types of Functions
    • Aggregate Functions
    • Math Functions
    • String or Text Functions
    • Date Functions
  • Querying and manipulating Data using commands:
    • Insert
    • Update
    • Delete
    • Alter
    • Drop
    • Create
    • Where clause
    • Group by Clause
    • Having clause
    • Wild card characters:
      • Using Like Operator
      • ‘%’ wild card
      • ‘_’ wild card
  • Handling Multiple Tables
  • Joins
    • Different types of Joins
    • equi-joins
    • natural joins, etc

IP Unit 4 – Computer Networks

You will learn following topics in this unit:

Introduction to Computer Networks - Detailed View
  • Introduction to Networks
  • Types of Networks
    • PAN
    • LAN
    • MAN
    • WAN
  • Network Devices
    • Modem
    • Hub
    • switch
    • Repeater
    • Bridge
    • Router
    • Gateway
  • Network Topologies
    • Bus
    • Star
    • Ring
    • Tree
    • Mesh,etc.
  • Introduction to Internet
    • World Wide Web
    • Email
    • Chat
    • VOIP and related
  • Introduction to Website
    • Difference between a website and webpage
    • Static vs Dynamic
    • Web page, web server and hosting of a website.
    • Introduction to Web Browsers:
      • Commonly used browsers
      • Browser settings
      • Add-ons, and
      • Plug-ins and cookies.etc.

IP Unit 5 – Societal Impacts

This unit covers in detail the following topics:

Societal Impacts- Detailed View
  • Digital Footprints
  • Etiquettes
    • Net Etiquettes
    • Communication Etiquettes, etc.
  • Data Protection
  • Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)
  • Plagiarism
  • Licensing
  • Copyrights
  • Free and Open Source Software (FOSS)
  • Cyber Crime
  • Cyber Laws
  • Hacking
  • Phishing
  • Cyber Bullying
  • Indian IT Act
  • E-Waste Management
  • Technology and Health Concerns


You will be provided with regular tests and assignments. As a result you will be able to handle assignments and Tests conducted in your school.


Project is putting together what ever you have learned so far. Since Project is required to be submitted before board exams, You will do the project under my guidance. This is because project helps in building that confidence required before final exams. We align our teaching methodology skill based right from the beginning, so that project becomes a cake walk for you.