Rise Above And Go Beyond

Your Journey to become a Coding Expert, begins here.

BTech | BCA | CBSE Class XI/XII – Computer Science and IP (Informatics Practices), Bootcamps for Passionate Enthusiasts

C | C++ | Python | Java | PHP | R | JavaScript | HTML | CSS | Data Structures | Data Science | Artificial Intelligence | Machine Learning | Data Analytics and more…

Learn Offline or Online from just anywhere…

It’s Always Going To Be 100% Skill Based Learning.


Computer Science | Informatics Practices

Course Curriculum – Strictly as per latest syllabus defined by CBSE

We keep on aligning ourselves to the ever changing  syllabus or decisions taken by CBSE from time to time. For example recently there were lots of changes that were imposed due to COVID-19.


Python is today the most sought after language in the world. It’s easy to learn and opens up all new career options. It is highly recommended to take it passionately and it as a skill to your resume.

Become a Pythonista

You will learn Conditional Constructs, Looping Constructs, Strings, Lists, Tuples, Dictionaries, User Defined Functions, Modules, File Handling, Recursion, Django,  Advanced Data structures like Queues and Stacks, Database Connectivity and lot more. You will learn and implement them practically.


MySql is a free Relational Database Management System. Handling Database is very important and very thoughtfully added to the syllabus by the CBSE.

DIY - Assignment | Project

No Spoon Feeding required – you will be able to do your Assignments and Projects yourself under our guidance.


Python is widely used in almost every field today including data analytics and data sciences. It’s easy to learn and opens up all new career options for all Science, Commerce and Humanities students .

Learn Data Analytical Skills

Apart from Python basics you will also learn very useful and advanced modules/libraries like NumPy, Pandas and MatPlotLib to present and analyse data to take business decisions.


MySql is a free RDBMS essential to handle data. Data is everywhere and MySql plays a pivot role in presenting data in tabular format and also handling data very efficiently.

Assignment | Project

DIY – You will be guided to be able to do your Assignments and Projects yourself so that you are able to implement Data Analytical Skills that your learned.

BCA | BTech

As Easy as 1..2..3

C, C++, Java Core, Java Advanced, Python, R, Algorithms and Data Structures, Computer Architecture, Databases, System Analysis and Design, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Dot.Net (C#, VB.Net, ASP.Net), PHP/MySql, Project Guidance and more

Learn Online from anywhere…

Choose the best option

Go for 1-to-1 live sessions, or form your own small group. Or join our live online and offline classrooms.

All in One

Learn from experts, guidance for projects and assignments, upskill to solve problems on Leetcode, HackerRank etc.

Ready to get started?

Get in touch, we would love to help you

Deep Dive Boot Camps

Choose your niche, Sharpen your axe

Web Development, Application Development, Data Sciences, Data Analytics, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Databases etc.

Learn Online from anywhere…

Find your passion

Choose your niche and then go for dig-deep, intensive and “Know-all” boot camp. Go for 1-to-1 live sessions, or form your own small group. Or join our live online and offline classrooms.

You have a vision

If you are opting for one of these programs, then you already have in you that hunger – “to be the best”. You will be requiring lots of patience, hard work and discipline.

Ready to get started?

Get in touch, we would love to help you

Sooner The Better

CBSE Class IX | X – Electives

Information Technology
Artificial Intelligence
Computer Applications

These subjects have been introduced to give you a head start and have an early experience with emerging technologies. These technologies like Office Automations, Artificial Intelligence and related will have great impact on the jobs and opportunities available in the years to come.

Embrace it. You can also Learn Online at the comfort of your own place and time. 

Take a Decision

Those who start early reap huge benefits. If you have already taken this subject, congratulations. Its futuristic – Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Office Automations will create new career paths for you.

We can help you

Just anybody can be make the Subject Complex, but the one who knows the subject well can only simplify for you.

Ready to get started?

Get in touch, we would love to help you