CBSE Computer Science Class XII -Edukers

OFFER (Computer Science XII) Expires on - " 15th May 2024 "

Common Core Elements -included in all Programs for CS Class XII

Student First Approach


100% Skill Based

Periodic Tests

Score Well above 90%


Hand holding till Exams

Brainstorming Sessions


  • Payment in 6 monthly installments (₹ 3750/month)
  • Access to the Recording of the session missed
  • Project Guidance

One 2 One

1000 to 1500/hour/800 to 1200/hour
  • Practical Sessions
  • Actual fees depends upon the travelling distance
  • Payment 20 hours advance
  • Project Guidance

What Students Say about Edukers - Reviews

Not just to learn but if you wish to understand, not just to gain knowledge but if you wish to gain wisdom, not just to touch the clouds of your goal but if you wish to rule them, Edukers is your destination.
~ Manish Satija
Batch:- 2021-22

Manish Satija

Ex Student (CS) Edukers

I feel blessed that my path gets crossed with that of Pawan Sir in my career journey. Under his utmost professional guidance and project based teaching style I am able to hone my coding skills and even got confidence to pursue my masters in the field of computer science. I wish every career-confused student come across him to get himself on the right path. THANK YOU EDUKERS FOR BUILDING ME

Garry Mittal

Ex-Student (CS) Edukers

An Institute worth studying at. I had a very good experience with Pawan Sir.
Best coaching center in west Delhi for  Computer Science(CS)  and Informatics Practices (IP). Would recommend  just anybody to study from Pawan Sir at Edukers Institute.

Ashu Sharma

Ex-Student (CS) Edukers

I feel privileged to be a student at Edukers . Mr. Pawan Arora Sir – one of the best teacher for computer science I have studied from. Scored 96%

Dipankar Sharma

Ex-Student (CS) Edukers

Pawan Arora Sir is an ebullient and enthusiastic person, having an excellent command over the subject.

His way of teaching is not just practical but different in many aspects. Even if you are not from science stream like me, he will never let you lose your passion for computer science and python.
~ Manish Satija
Batch:- 2021-22

Manish Satija

Ex Student (CS) Edukers

One of the best teacher I have met for Computer Science languages such C, C++ and Java, Python, Data Structures etc. I have seen him do a great job with all kinds of students.

Priya Juneja

Ex Student (CS) Edukers

I had a chance to study from Pawan Sir in class 11th and 12th for Computer Science. Usually students take class in 12th but I feel so blessed that I started in class 11th itself because of which this subject became a cake-walk for me. Score 95% marks in boards. Thanks Edukers. Thanks Pawan Sir.

Tisha Gera

Ex Student (CS) Edukers

Syllabus strictly as per CBSE Class XII - Edukers

CBSE Class XI Computer Science

CBSE Computer Science Class XII (2023-24) – Edukers

Syllabus CBSE Class XII Computer Science

Includes: In depth coverage of all the modules covered as per the latest CBSE Syllabus, with tons of Problem Solving practical questions.

Duration: One year program (More than 120 hours program)

Unit I – Computational Thinking and Programming – II

Functions - Detailed Syllabus
  • Handshake to Functions
    • Types of Functions
    • Built-in Functions
    • User Defined Functions
  • Arguments or Parameters (Actual and Formal Arguments )
  • Positional Arguments
  • Default Arguments
  • Returning values
  • Flow of Execution
  • Scope of a Variable
  • Global v/s Local Variables
Revision Tour I and II - Detailed Syllabus
  • Revision of all the topics covered in class XI ( Here we will cover everything in detail, so that students who had not taken classes with us in 11th, and lack basic Python skills – will be able to fill those gaps)
    • Python Fundamentals
      • Data Handling
      • Functions and Modules
      • Programming constructs
        • Conditional
        • Loops
        • Strings
        • Lists
        • tuples
        • Dictionary, etc.
File Handling - Detailed Syllabus
  • Handshake to File Handling
    • Types of Files
      • Text Files
      • Binary Files
      • CSV Files
    • File Paths
      • Absolute and Relative Paths
    • Text Files
      • Handling different Modes of Files
      • Text File Operations
        • Opening and Closing Files
        • Reading and Writing to a file
        • Modification and Deletions in a File
        • Dynamic Operations
      • Problem Solving
    • Binary Files
      • Handling different Modes of Binary Files
      • Binary File Operations
        • Reading and Writing to Binary Files using Pickle Module
        • Modification and Deletions in a Binary File
        • Dynamic Operations in a Binary File
      • Problem Solving
    • CSV Files
      • Handling Different Modes of  Files
      • CSV File Operations
        • Reading and Writing to CSV files using CSV module
        • Modifications and Deletions in a CSV Files
        • Dynamic Operations in CSV Files
      • Problem Solving
Data Structures - Detailed Syllabus
  • Handshake to Data Structures
    • Stacks and Queues
      • Stacks
        • Implementation of Stacks using List
        • Problem Solving
      • Queues
        • Not in Syllabus

Unit II – Computer Networking

Computer Networking - Detailed Syllabus
  • Handshake to Networking
    • Channel
    • Bandwidth
    • Data Transfer Rate
  • Transmission Media
    • Guided
      • Twisted Pair Cable
      • Coaxial Cables
      • Optical Fiber, etc
    • Un-Guided
      • Infra-Red
      • Blue-tooth
      • Microwave
      • Satellites
      • Wifi, etc
  • Network Devices
    • Modem
    • Router
    • Switch
    • Hub, etc
  • Network Topologies
    • Bus
    • Ring
    • Star
    • Tree, etc.
  • Network Types
    • PAN
    • MAN
    • LAN
    • WAN
  • Network Protocols
    • TCP/IP
    • FTP
    • PPP
    • HTTP
    • SMTP
    • POP3
    • Telnet, etc.
  • Mobile Technologies
  • Network Security
  • Internet Services
  • Problem Solving

Unit III – Database Management System

Database Management System - Detailed Syllabus
  • Handshake to Database Management System
    • Database Concepts
    • Relational Database Management System
    • Concept of
      • Relation
      • Domain
      • Attributes
      • Degree
      • Cardinality
      • Candidate Keys
      • Primary Key
      • Alternate Keys
      • Foreign Keys
      • Problem Solving
  • Structured Query Language
    • Introduction to SQL
      • SQL classification – DDL, DML, DCL 
      • Data Types
      • DDL Commands
      • DML Commands
      • Aggregate Functions
      • Scalar Functions
      • Problem Solving
    • Joins
      • Handling Multiple Tables
      • Equi -joins
      • Self -joins
      • Natural Joins, etc.
      • Problem Solving
  • Interfacing Python with MySQl
    • Performing SQL operation from Python
      • Inserting
      • Deleting
      • updating, and
      • Querying
    • Problem Solving


You will be provided with regular tests and assignments. As a result you will be able to handle assignments and Tests conducted in your school.


Project is putting together what ever you have learned so far. Hence project helps in building that confidence. We align our teaching methodology which is skill based right from the beginning, so that project becomes a cake walk for you.